I will put some pics up of her room later. As I mentioned earlier Ella is 4 months old now... well more like 4.5 months. I have been amazed at how quickly she is growing. I know everyone says that but you never really notice it until you have your own kids. She has brought so much joy and purpose to my life though!
Your whole life you don't realize how selfish you are until out pops this little person who needs you for everything and all at once you know that you were absolutely made for this. That this was a piece to the puzzle that you didn't know was missing and once its here you can't imagine how you ever lived without it.
I can't stop saying this and I am not ashamed to admit that I haven't gotten tired of hearing it from other people either... She is beautiful. Whatever good looking genes Sean and I possess we must have given them all to her. Every chunky roll, her high pitched squeals and coos, the way her eyebrows showcase all of her emotions, her giant reassuring smiles and her contagious laughter... we can't get enough of her. She is rolling every which direction now and is at the beginning stages of army crawling. Its all going tooo fast but we are loving every minute of it!
When you first become a parent its such a shock to your system. I know I felt so very ill equipped for a while. Always wondering if were doing things right. Is she eating enough, sleeping enough, pooping enough :) Will she stop breathing if I stop looking at her or touching her belly. Somehow we have managed to calm down and fall into some sort of routine. We aren't able to parent by the book but we are one a schedule that works for us and I must say it's going pretty smoothly. I will try to keep you all updated on her growth and developments and the exciting life of our little family :)