I have not been very good about keeping this blog up. Part of that is because I've been busy with the youth group and trying to keep up some sort of social life with my friends. The other part is that I've decided to be completely selfish with my time with Ella. It just hit me like a ton of bricks the other day... she's growing up soo fast and I only get so much time with her while she is this little. I only get so many nights of rocking her to sleep, so many days that she will tolerate cuddling with me or playing patty cake on my lap, so many days that she needs me so completely. And I'm going to try to be there for as much of that as possible, without the distractions of smart phones, tv, and laptops. Yes I have all of those things but at the moment they are playing second fiddle to my beautiful baby :). Ok so enough of my soap box...
Now onto the things you really want to hear... Ella's developments. She's been crazy this month. She is crawling everywhere and pulling up like a pro. She has taken one step in between the coffee table and the sofa ( but I'm not counting it ). This week she learned how to clap. She is also very interested in books and blocks right now.
Normally Sean and I don't really go all out for holidays, but we couldn't help ourselves this fall. We are so excited about Ella's first Halloween and upcoming Thanksgiving and Christmas. We took her to the pumpkin patch and let her crawl around and pick her own pumpkin. It was the perfect little one... just her size. We can't wait to see her in her costume in a few days and we know that she will be taking her first steps soon!

meeting her cousin Daniel