Opening presents with Daddy
Technically an "outtake" from our Christmas Eve
pics, but its my favorite one!
OK here's a better one of her by the tree
This was her Christmas Day dress
Now that all the Christmas festivities are dwindling down I am looking forward to New Years Eve! 2011 has been both the best and most challenging year of my life! This year I...
-Became a Mom
- Got fired for the first time
- Decided to stay home with Ella
- Made some awesome new friends
- Gotten really close to some old friends
- Developed somewhat of an obsession for learning how to home make things
- Connected with God in a way I have never been able to
- Celebrated 4 years of marriage to my best friend!
And thats not even the half of it. 2011 has definitely stretched me beyond my comfort zone but made me mature. I've been able to catch glimpses of the woman I want to become, the woman I'm striving to become... and I really like her :). The thought of starting a New Year is normally kind of frightening for me. I am a worry wort... I over analyze things and I can't stand not being in control of situations. However, that part of me seems to be dying off. Lately I've just got much bigger things on my plate and worrying has no room in my life. Who knows what 2012 will hold. If the Mayans are right it will be the last year anyway :). Hopefully it will bring me one step closer to finishing school. Maybe it will bring some crazy new adventure or some kick butt part time job for me. Maybe another pregnancy. Whatever way it takes me I know that God is in control and for once in my life I'm content with saying " We'll just have to wait and see".