October- this was filled with all things fall. We went to the pumpkin patch and got Ella hooked on delicious apples :) We went to the Children's Museum and Ella go to go through her first haunted house ( she was a champ... didn't even cry once ). My awesome friends threw a "Little Man" Shower for Jack. It was a hilarious day :) We went to the Zoo Boo where Ella was the cutest little scarecrow I have ever seen and I got to scream my head off in the bird exhibit... seriously birds are HORRIBLE! To end October we took Ella trick or treating with a lot of our friends and she had a blast!
November- We tried to relax a lot this month. We had a great Friendsgiving dinner with our best friends ! We had delicious food with both sides of our family and tried to tie up all the loose ends before Jack arrives.
December- So far we are in the waiting game. I am trying my best to stay positive and not get too impatient waiting for Jack to get here. My body is pretty exhausted since I have been contracting off and on each day for the past month or so. Friday he will be here whether he likes it or not :) Against my original plan I scheduled an induction on my due date. I swore I would not do Pitocin again this time but I also vastly miscalculated how stressful the last weeks of pregnancy would be on my body. I am ready to meet my lil man!
Enjoy some pictures.

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