I have seriously neglected this blog lately. Life has been crazy beautiful, filled with kid stuff and school and work and internships and ministry and time with friends and etc and etc and etc. I know they say that these few precious years of your kids being small will go by quickly and for the most part that is true, but there are also parts of it that seem endlessly long! The diaper changes, nap strikes, tantrums, and countless toys being flinged at my head don't seem to be coming to an end any time soon. Ha Ha! I wouldn't trade it for anything, though!
Ella is getting smarter by the minute. She is constantly telling me what letter each word starts with and what sounds each letter makes. She loves to learn and to read books. She is also turning into quite the little negotiator... "Dad, how about we watch one more Doc Mcstuffins show and then I will go to bed." "Mommy, how about we eat one more cookie and then we can do puzzles." It wouldn't be such a problem if she wasn't so incredibly cute and articulate!
Jack is turning into quite the sensitive soul. He is full of hugs and smooches. He doesn't like it when anyone is crying or seems sad. His biggest interest is whatever his sister is doing haha. If Ella is playing dolls, Jack is playing dolls. If Ella is dancing and singing, Jack is dancing and singing. If Ella is peeing on the potty, Jack is taking all of the toilet paper off of the roll and shoving it into the trash can... anyway... you get the picture. The last time I wrote on here Jack had just gone through surgery. He is doing amazing and saying new words all the time. They always told me that one day when he is grown, I will have a hard time remembering that he ever had a cleft palate. I am really starting to believe that.
As for Sean and I, well we have been busy with school. Sean finished his first degree in May and is now working on a second one. In the mean time he is still working at WoodMizer and keeping an open mind to opportunities that come his way. I took last year off to focus on taking care of Jack and Ella and started classes this August. Right now I am doing an internship with young mothers, mostly teens. I love it! We do a short Bible lesson, then have open discussion , do goal setting, talk about all things baby related and end with prayer requests. God has truly blessed me by allowing me to get to know such a great group of young women. And of course as a bonus I get to steal endless amounts of cuddles from adorable babies! The goal for me is to graduate with a degree in Human Services in May 2015. I don't have any definitive career goals right now, but I'm just trying to remain open to whatever God has in store for that area of my life.
Health wise I have not had a great couple of months. I will avoid going into too much detail but it deals with girl organs and their inability to work. Cancer runs deep in both sides of my family and I watched as my Uncle passed away from it this summer so it was really important to us to get everything checked out by a doctor. I had blood work done and an ultrasound and the doctor is on top of things. This week we got somewhat of a diagnosis, it's not cancer as far as they can tell, and now we have a treatment plan so that has been a real answer to prayer! I am so incredibly thankful for the people who have prayed for me and called to check up on me during the last two months! I will never be able to find the words to express how awesome the community around us is!
So thats where we are and where we have been. And now here are some adorable pics of the kiddos as a reward for reading our update!
Jack playing in the leaves at the park
Ella in the TeePee at the park
Fun times at the homecoming parade!
Ella playing dress up, instead of napping
Learning about the letter F
Jack being all cute and showing his insane eyelashes
Picking out pumpkins
Ella and her Bestie ( Gia ) at the parade!
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