It has been almost a month since I last posted on here and life has been crazy busy. Ella said her first word last month and has since started babbling like crazy. Her first word was MOM :) and then she started saying YaYa and now she says Ba and Da ( but not DaDa ) which makes Sean very sad. He kept telling me that Mom wasn't her first word until we caught it on tape so...
There you have it... Proof :)
We had her 6 month appointment on the 8th and she is weighing in at 16.1 lbs and she is 26 1/2 inches long. The doctor was very pleased with her growth and said she was doing things a little bit ahead of schedule. She is sitting up like a pro now and she is army crawling, rolling and rocking on all fours now. Its like after she hit the 5 month mark she exploded with new things! I love that I am home to witness it all!
Another development is that I have decided to try and start selling some of the crafts I have been making. I've been teaching myself how to make clothes and hair things for Ella and people kept telling me I should try to sell it so I hope to have an Etsy website up by the end of the week! Its been fun, but kind of crazy at the same time. I will post the link when I get everything done. For now enjoy some pics of Ella...
Sitting in a Black Hawk Helicopter
So Sleepy
Modeling one of Mommy's headbands
She loves to eat!
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