This weekend was a lot of fun! On Friday I drove a bus full of Middle Schoolers to an Indians game... that part wasn't so much fun... but Sean, Jess and Ella followed the bus and came to the game too! It was the first time I have been to a baseball game and even though the game itself is SUPER BORING! IT was fun playing on a blanket with Ella and enjoying nasty ball park food and playing cards with my husband and best friend! Saturday was crafting day! Jess and I picked up all the items needed to do these really neat DIY watermark Tee Shirts They took a little longer than I had expected but turned out great we made her 6 different onesies... this one says Team Wigglekins on the front and on the back it says BEANS and has a #7. Sean and I call her Beans and she was born on the seventh... here is a picture... taken with my webcam.... its not very good quality

On Sunday we went to church as normal but then went to my Mom and Stepdads house for a going away party for my step brother. He is a Marine and was home for the past week. It was fun to play board games and eat delicious grill food with the fam. Ella got to meet some of her family members that she hadn't seen before. She is all over the place now. She is army crawling really well and she has started to crawl on all fours now too. This week she also started trying to pull up and can get up on her knees from her belly. She can also go from being on her belly and sit herself back up. I can't believe how many things she is doing and its all happening so quickly! In a month or so she's gonna be standing and then its walking and then my free time is officially dead :)
1 comment:
Your munchkin is super adorable!
Hi! Stopping by from MBC. Great blog!
Have a nice day!
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