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Monday, February 6, 2012

Ella turns 1!

At 12:20 a year ago today I was taking a long hot bath. My doctor had given us the go ahead to do the induction at 6 a.m. that morning and Sean and I ended up staying up the whole night before. We were much too excited to sleep! I remember checking into the hospital at 5:30 a.m. and as soon as we got in our room I hear this blood curdling scream from across the hall! I looked over at Sean and said " I'm not sure I can do this." Sean said " That lady is a wiener, I know you can do this babe!". As moving as his pep-talk was, I was still a ball of nerves. I got into my gown, used the restroom and settled into the bed. As they strapped monitors on my belly, put in my IV, asked all sorts of questions about my pregnancy and explained what was about to happen, I found myself in a fog. Was this really happening. Were we really about to meet this little baby whose head had laid on my sciatic nerve for what seemed like an eternity. Were we ready for all of this?

They put her in my arms at 5:22 p.m. and none of those things mattered anymore. Whether we were ready or not she was here and she needed us!

Ella has been an angel baby so far! She eats well, sleeps well, is rarely sick, has hit all of her milestones a bit early... seriously I have questioned at times if we should have another one because I know its going to be a little demon child compared to her :)

A year ago today I would not have been able to predict that I would have turned into this stay at home, half way granola type mom who makes her own laundry detergent and lets her baby sleep in her bed. I think the best thing having Ella has taught me is that I am completely not in control! God has taken care of and provided for us more this year than I give him credit for! Without His compassion and patience for me I'm quite sure things would be a lot different.

Any who...

Here's to my little baby toddler! Happy Birthday My Sweet Ella!!! I fall more in love with you each day!

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